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Whilst the Fiji Financial Intelligence Unit takes adequate steps to ensure the quality of information portrayed on this website, it does not guarantee the accuracy of the same, due to constant information movement, fluctuations in market conditions, supplementary information, complexity of business decisions and the expert advise which are prerequisites for making these informed business decisions.
In no event shall the Fiji Financial Intelligence Unit be liable for any incidental or consequential damages resulting from the use of these materials. However, the information provided in the publications of the Fiji Financial Intelligence Unit is considered to be true and correct at the time of publication and is not responsible for any changes in circumstances after publication that may affect the accuracy of the information portrayed therein.
Furthermore, the Fiji Financial Intelligence Unit intends to provide accurate, timely and continued availability of information on this website via constantly maintained hyperlinks but is not responsible for data available on pages outside the www.fijifiu.gov.fj domain and providing hyperlinks to these other websites does not imply the Fiji Financial Intelligence Unit’s endorsement of the material on such sites or any association with their operators. The user has the responsibility of deciding the accuracy and reliability of the information on the linked websites.
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Tower Level 5, RBF Building,
Pratt Street,
Suva, Fiji.
Email: info@fijifiu.gov.fj
Phone: + (679) 322 3333
Fax: + (679) 331 6454
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