Domestic Partners

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Domestic Partners

Engagements with Domestic Partners
The FIU contributes to national policy formulation, implementation and coordination through participation in various national committees such as the Interagency National Trafficking Committee, Digital Financial Services Working Group and the Cyber Security Working Group. The FIU also makes submissions to the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and Defence on the Convention on Cybercrime.
MOA Signed with Domestic Partner Agencies The FTR Act provides the FIU with the authority to enter into MOAs with other agencies. The MOAs allow the FIU to exchange information and enhance networking and cooperation with domestic partner agencies. As a result of these MOAs, the FIU is able to directly access nine databases of government partner agencies. The FIU continues to engage with these partner agencies.

Tower Level 5, RBF Building,
Pratt Street,
Suva, Fiji.
Phone: + (679) 322 3333
Fax: + (679) 331 6454
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